Monday 21 April 2014


Yes, I do have seven different styles a week as I don't like looking the same or just have one style and obviously it's in the name of my blog BUT posting seven looks is becoming rather time cosuming for me at the moment as this year I have lots on which I will be updating soon, so unfortunately I won't be doing 'Weekly OOT' for the time being, however I will be posting 'OUTFIT OF THE WEEK' to show you my fave look of the week. On Saturday 26th April I am going on vacation to Florida / Bahamas (I'm so so so excited) so I won't be posting for around 2 weeks but there will be Instagram (@ssaw_bykeeleyjoanneg) updates and pictures and when I'm back keep an eye out for holiday looks and news. Adios...

The Style Council



  1. Hey Keeley Joanne.
    I am so happy that I found your blog. It's really inspiring and I love your many looks. Your clothing style is inspiring and different and I love it.
    I myself find it hard to find my personal style and I am therefore I use your blog to find inspiretion.
    I hope you had a good holiday and that you will soon blog about your holiday outfits.
    Love from Marlou
    Ps. I myself just started writing a blog and I have just decided (like you) to be anything but usual. Do you have any advice for me to how I can make my blog personal and interesting? How did you start?
    You can finde my blog here:
    Hope to hear from you <3

    1. Hi Marlou,

      I am so pleased that you find my blog inspiring as thats what I want out of it. I will give yours a follow and it would be great if you followed mine too. My holiday was amazing thank you.
      The only advice I can give is to write about things you find interesting that others might and things you love, i love fashion and clothes and stuff so thats why I started a personal f blog. Take inspiration from other blogs too and also websites, books and magazines with rings that fill your interest. As long as you enjoy your blog yourself I'm sure others will too. Its become my new hobby and its quite addictive haha!
      keeley xoxo
